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 At Ready Stack, we begin our cybersecurity journey with you through a thorough complimentary assessment, designed to understand your unique digital environment.

This insitial step allos us to gain insight into your specific security needs, identifying vulnrabilities and areas for enhancement.

Our extensive range of services includes the follwoing:

Penetration Testing 

  • Infrastructure Pen-Testing 
  • Web App Pen-Testing 
  • Mobile App Pen-Testing 
  • Wireless Pen-Testing 
  • Red Teaming 


Vulnerability Management 

  • On-premise Vulnerability Management. 
  • Hosted Vulnerability Management. 
  • Fully Managed Vulnerability Management. 


Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) 

  • On-premise EDR.  
  • Hosted EDR.  
  • Fully Managed EDR.  


Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and SOC:

  • Hosted SIEM 
  • Hosted SIEM and SOC 24/7 
  • Hosted SIEM and SOC 9 to 5 


Compliance and Audits 

  • ISO 27001
  • Essential 8